Facts and rankings

Rankings and awards don’t define Virginia Commonwealth University, but they do highlight our status as one of the nation’s premier urban, public research universities. The evidence is in our leading medical center, top arts school and nationally ranked graduate programs.  

Who we are

  • Only dental school and one of two B.S. in Dental Hygiene programs in Virginia
  • 6 advanced education programs; Ph.D. and M.S. graduate research programs
  • Emphasis on a diverse and inclusive environment for students and faculty
  • 95% pass rate on clinical boards for D.D.S. and D.H. students
  • 90% match rate for VCU D.D.S. students applying to advanced education programs
  • At #17, VCU ranks among top dental schools in National Institutes of Health research funding with approximately $6 million annually
  • Approximately 100,000 annual patient visits
  • Virginia’s largest Medicaid dental provider
  • An ever evolving curriculum preparing students for real world clinical practice including cutting-edge digital dentistry
  • 13 Service Learning sites throughout the state provide unique service-based learning opportunities to provide care to communities in need